Saturday, March 16, 2013

Different Path


Pernah tak korang terfikir yang korang akan kerja lain dari apa yang korang tengah study dulu? Mestilah takkan. How about now? Ever thinking to change your career path? I never think doing something which is not related what I studied. Never cross my mind.

But after almost 5 years working, I changed my mind. I got a friend who has degree in Science Computer and now she's working at Real Estate unit, arranging branches, new properties of the company. No related education background to what she's doing right now. Of course there is no specific reason for a person to choose different path but it has related to do with minat and kecenderungan or just because that is the only job that being offered that so they just go with the flow.

Basically I think it depends dekat minat masing2. Degree is just a stepping stone sebab if you are not interested what your doing believe me you won't enjoy your working life (part of it). If everyday you feel nak muntah to repeat the job then get out of there. But my friend said if you want to change your career path do it while you are young. How young is young? Before 30 years old and jangan pulak pegi tukar keje which is totally different except you want to make your own business or run a family business. There are works that maybe you just a need a tiny small related experiences or education or senang nak belajar that you're interested in doing. 

Think about it again :)

P/S: I still love what I am doing and I have no intention to change my path yet. 

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