Oh berdebar-debar hati nya
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I bet everyone or almost everyone have this experience..LOVE AT THE FIRST SIGHT! I have a few experiences about this..
1)Year 1994 (darjah 3)Budak laki tu a family friend to our family. Met during a camp organized by my Umi's biro.cute gak la die tapi he is 4 years older than me kot n die suka sorang akak ni. Sape la nak pandang budah selekeh n selebet like me ni. Now, ade jugak jumpa die setahun tak sekali n he still looks da same boyish look.
Year 1996 (Darjah 5)This boy was staying at my housing area. Jalan 5 min dah sampai rumah die. Met him waktu die dtg rumah main2 with my brother. Oh, lupa..his name is Faiz n die ni my bro's friend n 1 year older than me. Chinese looks n muka pun baik je. Die tau dat I like him sbb ade org bocorkan rahsia (malu jer). Tapi die suka org lain. Jiran kitaorg jugak. They went ngaji sama2 (I didnt. Blaja kat rumah je). Then die pindah somewhere. Last time jumpa year 2001 at my open house.
Year 1998 (Form 1)Yang ni lagi complicated. Ternampak during balik from school. He was inside a bus. Comel je. His name is Qusyairi. Our school sebelah2 je. Tapi mane berani nak approach.Then masuk jer form 2, mula naik LRT. tak jumpa die. After a few years terjumpa die dekat my school's Family Day. Tgk2 die dah ade gf n his gf during that time was my friend.
Year 1999 (Form 2)This boy nama die Aziz. We both met during latihan Hari Merdeka at SMK Chocrane. Ntah ape yg made me tertarik with him sampai sekarang tak tau. Ili (my close friend that time) helped me to get his biodata (time ni nk berkenalan main tukar2 biodata). He asked for mine. So, we exchanged. tup..tup..he called my house on the 31st August. We met for the first time at Pesta Buku @ PWTC. sungguh membosankan rite? But we met with the present of my friends. Last2 I rejected him for no reason. Hahaha...
Year 2000 (Form 3)This boy I met dlm LRT. He was a prefect at his school n same as Qusyairi, our school sbelah2 jer. Wat made me tertarik with him because he was so smart n looked neat in his uniform. With my friend's bro help, I managed to get his phone no. n die la jadi our middle person.Suka ati je kan.We went out to KLCC during school break. Atiqah teman. Waktu tu macam excited + nervous. Siap beli baju baru coz nk impress die.Bila dah jumpa, face to face, he is so damn different from wat I know. Then, we didnt contact each other atas beberapa reasons.
Year 2002 (Form 5)This boy is also my neighboor. I saw him during Majlis Raya for this area. But that time I was in a relationship so simpan je la dlm hati. I had his picture. Just for fun. Suka tgk his face.
Year 2008 After more than how many years, during Aida's convo at UPM, I met this guy. Smart dowh. Actually Aida did mentioned about him, her course-mate a few months before.We did contacted each other thru YM and FB but now mcm dah putus hubungan. Dia lah paling lama yg saya minat :). God knows wat happen to him rite now. The last time I know, die keje as PTD at Kementerian Kerjaraya.
Sometimes, I wonder wat happen to all of them. Dah kawin ke?kerja kat mane?wat r they doing rite now? hehehe. Tapi skarang tak boleh jatuh cinta pandang pertama. Macam tak releven je. Pandang 10 kali tak tentu org tu boleh dipercayai but kuasa Tuhan sape boleh lawankan. Kalau dah namanya jodoh jatuh cinta jugak. Bak kata pepatah
'Dari mata jatuh ke hati'.